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All kinds of Altona

Altona - the beautiful Sister of Hamburg

Discover the many facets of this vibrant district.

Who decorated the beautiful city hall of Altona with artworks? Why is it used as the city hall now? Didn´t it once have a different function? Why did the majority of ship owners reside in Palmaille? So many questions: we´ll provide competent and fascinating answers.

Naturally, we´ll also give you all the latest facts about the "Mitte Altona" development project, which is Europe´s second-largest building site after HafenCity, as well as a wealth of interesting historical details about Hamburg´s attractive sister: Altona.

Shipping has always played a key role in Altona; today, the industry is still very much in evidence in container shipping and cruise liners on the river. If you´re lucky, one of the giant cruise ships will have docked in Altona during your visit: ask us for details of the dates or take a look in the "Ein Schiff wird kommen" section to coordinate a date for your tour.

All kinds of Altona

  • Development "Mitte Altona"
  • Altona city hall
  • Palmaille
  • Altonaer Balkon park
  • Altona cruise terminal
    Start: Altona train station
    Duration: 1 to 2 hours
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